3Peaks Challenge

By Louise Reeve Join Me

I'm fundraising for the future of hospitality.

The Sales Team at Dine Contract Catering will be taking part in the National Three Peaks Challenge on Thursday 30th May 2024 raising money for The Burnt Chef Project, an organisation set up to tackle mental health stigma in the hospitality industry.

The challenge will involve climbing the three highest peaks of Scotland, England and Wales, within 24 hours.

Scaling all three peaks with the addition of driving a distance of 462 miles.

4 out of 5 hospitality professionals report having experienced at least one mental health issue during their career.

It's something very close to our hearts and would love your support!


Michael, Paul & Louise

My Achievements

£50 Raised

£100 Raised

Uploaded Profile Picture

50% Fundraising Target

100% Fundraising Target

Uploaded Blog Post

Received 10 Donations

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And we made it!

Saturday 1st Jun
Snow at Ben Nevis, Windy at Scafell and Freezing and Wet at Snowdon!  Pleased to say we helped each other and completed the challenge - Teamwork!

Thank you to everyone for your support and sponsorship, it kept us going and is very much appreciated. 

Michael, Paul and Louise x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Leigh Court

Good luck and enjoy. X


Robert Court

Good luck to you all, best feet forward!


Emma Court


George & Sara

Good luck all! Brilliant cause.



Go well team, great cause to be raising money and awareness for. No doubt you will smash it.


Zoe Green Tvq

Good luck!! Wish I was there!!!


Martyn Court


Lucy Court

Good luck! Nick & Lucy


Teresa Cross

Good luck to the three of you. Louise, we know that you'll make it. Love Geoff and Teresa xxx


Court Nana

Well done all, great effory


Tom Young

Enjoy ha ha


Charlotte Lecomber


Matt Wade

Great cause, good luck!


Jack Steele-green

Go get it you'll all do amazing 💯🍻


Liz Holdsworth

I’m donating this for Paul, but well done to all three for completing this challenge!


Lynsey Adams

Good luck to you all, stay safe and smash it xx


Big K

Good luck Lou xx


Robby Ryan

Good Luck Lou,Paul & Mike, tough challenge and a great cause 👍


Graeme White

Good luck


Wendy Morton

Good luck team! You'll smash it!!!


Janice Lim

Well done on taking on this challenge!!


Jill Bourton

Brilliant Challenge well done to you all


Marco Romeo

Incredible achievement Team Dine!! Absolute legends 👏 🙌 💪


Steve Conlon


Paul Hogg

Good luck to you all 👍👏


Dean Harrison


Neil Gilbody

A donation for you, good luck x


Neil Douglass

Good luck Paul & team


Jon Stanbury

Well done all fantastic achievement


Paul Bedford

Good luck to all, amazing effort, got lots of friends in the hospitality industry so great to see such a good cause xx


Sophie Beavon

Well done all! A brilliant cause and great achievement 😊 x