Super excited to announce that I will be running Brussels Marathon this November and also will be partnering with The Burnt Chef Project to help raise awareness about mental health in hospitality industry.
When I started running few years ago, goal was to create some sort of safe space and inner piece for myself. Later, this desire was transformed into curiosity, where the question was how far I could go, if I put some discipline, consistency and, of course, time…
Later it became clear, that in order to “extract” more potential and joy, you need to surround yourself with people..and that’s exactly, what running means to me - sense of community, involvement…and chance to look after each other when someone’s down…And here is great correlation to real life, doesn’t matter whether you came from corporate world or simply work as a chef in the kitchen - always lift each other up and be fucking kind.
Besides the support TBCP I’m chasing my personal goal of breaking 3 hours.
Stay tuned and let's have a good service!
Good luck to you!!