My Activity Tracking
I'm fundraising for the future of hospitality.
After accomplishing the Brighton Marathon, where I managed to get the worst sunburn of all time, I realised my mental health completely suffered. I had nothing to work towards. I had no focus. My routine was broken.
So ... I've decided to challenge myself again and this time I'm pushing myself even further with an Ultra Marathon.
A normal marathon is 42.2km. This will be 50km. I know its only another 8kms, but the physical and mental strain my body will go through will be unbelievable. Some people struggle to complete a marathon. So let's do this.
Let's have me pushing myself to raise money for an awesome cause. Running to remove the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Running to raise awareness.
Any support you can give would be incredible.
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£50 Raised

£100 Raised

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My Updates

14th September - I Can't Remember
Tuesday 17th Sep At some point, it will truly sink in, the absolutely incredibly amazing feat that I achieved on Saturday. I completed an Ultra-Marathon. This is what the past three months have been about. The pain. The anguish. The severe tiredness. It all came to a head when I turned up to Putney on Saturday morning and set off.
11th September - Final Countdown
Friday 13th Sep So ... I've been putting off this blog, as it's my penultimate blog. By the time I write again, I will hopefully have completed an Ultra-Marathon (with a potential twist). This is all too real now, and I keep wanting to cry, hyperventilate and get in my car and drive away from this utter madness.
7th September - We Can't Stop
Saturday 7th Sep I went for another run this morning. It wasn't the run I was planning, as I just could not get out of bed, and then when I did finally get out of bed, the kebab (I still claim their health benefits) made me spend more time in the bathroom. However, over three different attempts I did cover almost 11km. It just wasn't all at once. But it did mark my final long run of training.
6th September - No Music (again)
Friday 6th Sep I went for a run this evening and it was brutal. Despite possibly being my shortest run yet, it was an absolute killer, so I am rewarding myself with a kebab. Don't worry they are actually very healthy, with the protein your body needs from the meat, the nutrients from the salad and the carbs from the bread. Then to equal out the body weight of grease that accompanies a kebab I am having a diet coke.
4th September - Get'cha Head In the Game
Wednesday 4th Sep There are two main problems with running after work. Firstly, its so physically tiring, but then afterwards you feel amazing which means you're not going to sleep as well. Especially as you eat your dinner later on, drink diet coke later on, and genuinely push your whole evening of relaxation back by about two hours.
1st September - Black Magic
Tuesday 3rd Sep I was right not to run on Saturday. I was still completely wiped and needed to eat, sleep and hydrate. Tomato juice is amazing at this. Who knew?? But then I did manage to get out on Sunday and it was pretty bloody glorious.
25th August - Since U Been Gone
Monday 26th Aug I was totally meant to blog yesterday, but food and socialising (sober) took priority. And then sleep took priority. Then work for some crazy reason took priority and I am only now getting round to it.
22nd August - Can't Fight The Moonlight
Thursday 22nd Aug In the immortal words of the fabulous Leann Rimes, 'You can't fight the moonlight,' well in actual fact my love - you can. All you have to do is run less distance and you'll be back in time to cook your dinner, do your laundry and the lighting inside definitely fights that moonlight.
20th August - Shake It Off
Tuesday 20th Aug With only 24 days left until I attempt the impossible (yes 24 days - no I'm not kidding) I have completed my longest run of training and have absolutely no intention of repeating that distance until the actual day. My thought process is I did 28km, so after that its only an extra half marathon (ish) and I would have completed it. I've done loads of halves since I started training and so how hard can it be? Also, how delusional can I be?
17th August - Bootylicious
Saturday 17th Aug Today was absolutely unexpected. Yes I knew I was aiming for a half marathon, ending at ParkRun, but I didn't expect it to be so tiring, breath-taking (literally) or exhilarating. It was totally bloody awesome, to the point that I'm not sure I am going to be able to walk tomorrow.
16th August - Barbie Girl
Friday 16th Aug I don't know whether that was a good run, average run, or a shite run. I know I didn't want to go out today. That big ball of gas in the sky is still being a dick and is definitely not besties with plus sized running models such as myself. It was also possibly one of the shortest runs I have done in a long time.
11th August - Six
Sunday 11th Aug I genuinely didn't think I would be able to run at all today, but I did manage to drag my ass out of a very comfortable bed (my bed before the rumours start) and got out there. Even before 9am it was hot. Very hot. Definitely not running weather, especially after catching the sun yesterday (I didn't think I had, but the red burn lines tell a different story.)
10th August - Survivor
Saturday 10th Aug That was ... not what I was expecting. To be honest, I think it was a bit shit. I had done everything right, but still I struggled. In the bright side though, the marathon vest made its first official appearance today.
8th August - Just A Little
Friday 9th Aug So, I might be writing this a day late, because quite frankly, yesterday I was absolutely shattered. Beyond shattered. I was gone. But in my craziness knew I had to go for a run. Rather than running alone, I thought lets get people to come along.
7th August - Bad Habits
Wednesday 7th Aug You know when you cook a really lovely meal and then you can't be bothered to do the washing up, and then you do that for about five days, and then you realise you have used all your pots, pans, plates and cutlery and you just have to get a take away then then the following morning you just have to get the washing up done. Tonight's run was a bit like that.
4th August - Watermelon Sugar
Sunday 4th Aug I did it. Two half marathons in one weekend. It was long. It was difficult. It was actually fucking tough. But I did it. And annoyingly it has caused a lot more work for you. I now have to arrange a memorial service for my needs, arrange trade union negotiations to try and stop the rest of my body going on strike and defend myself in a murder trail as I really want to kill strava. Today felt like I had done 40km and everytime I looked at my phone it was not agreeing! Bastards.
3rd August - Genie In A Bottle
Saturday 3rd Aug That was a really lovely but random run. I knew I had to hit the half marathon distance today, but at the same time I had to incorporate Park Run, which meant I was rudely awoken by my alarm clock at the God awful time of 6am. And after fueling and prepping and procrastinating I was out of the door in 45 mins. Not too bad considering.
31st July - Man! I Feel Like a Woman
Wednesday 31st Jul That was much better. That massive ball of heat disappeared for a short while and the wind gave a little breeze and I was able to run. Run free like and emu (just a lot slower than an emu because apparently they are really fast). But is was a lovely little plod.
30th July - Take On Me
Tuesday 30th Jul That big shiny thing in the sky that everyone else is worshipping at the moment, is in actual fact a bit of a bastard. No Its not just a bit of a bastard, it is a total and utter bastard. I know I used to complain about running in the cold and wet and the dark, but believe me, its much more manageable.
26th July - Soggy Cigarette
Friday 26th Jul Life today was difficult, not in a bad way but in a paradoxical kind of way. I am writing this, whilst watching the Olympics Opening Ceremony, whilst eating a kebab having done exercise.
24th July - Night and Day
Wednesday 24th Jul My knees hurt. They bloody hurt and I don't have bathtub to take an ice bath and I don't have a knee support and its all because I don't know how to do a bloody warm up. Well to be fair I thought, I've just had to stand on a train (that only had half the coaches it was meant to have - literally) having paced about a mile and a half through London, where there really should be a minimum walking speed during peak times. Surely this would have warmed me up, but no. No it bloody well did not.
18th July - A podcast
Thursday 18th Jul Normally I listen to music, but I have recently joined the gym and when I'm there I am only doing low impact workouts, like exercise bike and today was the cross trainer, so I just throw on a podcast. My gym workouts are vital as my knees keep aging and they will ultimately be my downfall. But it turns out I am putting in about as much effort with these workouts as I am with this blog. Though I do end up a lot sweatier at the gym.
28th June - Glad you came
Friday 28th Jun OK, so I've been a bit shit with the whole blogging thing recently, seeing as I haven't written anything for almost tow weeks. But I assure you I have been running - check out my strava if you don't believe me. To be fair, if you do check it out, you'll see that I've mostly done 5kms plods, including one around Central London in Saharan temperatures, which saw me drinking more water than I have ever drunk before - ever!
15th June - Can't remember
Saturday 15th Jun Today was glorious, yes it was only a quick 5k ParkRun, but it was still glorious. I actually enjoyed running and I could move afterwards, in actual fact I could run afterwards, well I could plod a bit more.
8th June - Call Me Maybe
Saturday 8th Jun I really need to change my mentality if I'm even going to get through part of this Ultra. I go for a 5k and when I start I'm questioning whether I am going to get a PB. I get half way around and I get demotivated because I know I'm not hitting my PB. But who actually gives a fuck about PBs? I know deep down that this is not a sprint, its an Ultra Marathon.
2nd June - Don't Stop Believin'
Sunday 2nd Jun And so the torture and torment starts all over again. This time I'm aiming for an ultra marathon and thought let's start the training with a half a marathon.Thank you to my Sponsors

David And Mimi

Impressed by your dedication. Go well on the Brighton M.

Run fat boy run

Sarah Boyd
What a legend! Well done Boyo, this is incredible. Love ya xxx

Stephen Lay
GIG GIG GIG ❤️❤️❤️

Charlotte Houston
YOU GOT THIS IAN! So proud of you 🥰

Fabulous Ian, an inspiration!

Val Benney
All the best Ian! X

The Hahntinis
Good luck Ian! Amazing effort!

Lucy Ays
Good Luck Ian! You are going to smash it. So proud xxxx

Tamsin Lay

Michael Due
You have the second day!

Suzie’s Mum
Absolutely brilliant Ian!

Bloody well done!

Julie Mcaneny
Well done Ian

Michael Due (2)
Ian, well done on the first day keep up the good work. 53 km

Go on boss

Ben Ireland

Liz Rowe
Go for it Sian and Enjoy. Liz xx

Helen Hocking
Suggest you have a good rest after all of this 😘

Julia - Anchor
Good work Ian! It will be worthwhile xx

Clare Tenbeth
Congratulations on such an amazing achievement

Amber Smithers
Well done x