Hayden Gavazzeni

The Marstons Burnt Mile Join Us

The Marstons Burnt Mile

I'm raising money for The Burnt Chef Project, an organisation set up to tackle mental health stigma in the hospitality industry. It's something very close to my heart and I would love your support!

My Achievements

£50 Raised

£100 Raised

Uploaded Profile Picture

50% Fundraising Target

100% Fundraising Target

Uploaded Blog Post

Received 10 Donations

Thank you to my Sponsors



Keep doing a great job!!!


Ellah Dovey


John Thomson



Selina Drysdale

Love you


Annabel Lindsay

Not as much as Aidan but hopefully something, great job so far!


Leigh Donnelly

Great effort for a great cause. Keep going!


Sereina G






Elaine Jeffries

Keep at it nephew ✊️


Holly Gibson


Claire M


Jacque Nixon




Joe T
