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I'm fundraising for the future of hospitality.
I'm raising money for The Burnt Chef Project, an organisation set up to tackle mental health stigma in the hospitality industry.
I’ve spent the majority of my working life in the hospitality industry experiencing the highs and the lows. I’ve loved and I’ve lost throughout this time and suffered myself from mental health issues.
Raising money for the Burnt Chef Project will allow them to continue doing what they doing - mental health training, awesome merchandise, removing stigma and operating a helpline (plus much more).
Running is a great stress relief for me (even before and after manic shifts) and I personally know that your donations can give a real boost to my training and performance.
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£50 Raised

£100 Raised

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My Updates

Marathon Day
Monday 8th Apr I did it. I bloody did.
4th April - My Way
Thursday 4th Apr And there we have it ladies and gents, I have finally finished the physical training for the Brighton Marathon 2024. It has been long, it has had its ups and downs and I finished it today with my shortest run to date.
2nd April - Bad Habits
Tuesday 2nd Apr I cannot believe I am writing this, but I have actually completed my penultimate run. One more and then its the big day. I was going to add another run in yesterday, but the newsletter came through and said all I had to do was a 30 minute run and a 22 minute run.
30th March - Master of the House
Saturday 30th Mar I did it. I got to the final week of marathon training and it just so happened to be a long run. I say long, but go back a month or so and that was the average run for me. So to now call it a long run, is fucking crazy. To know that my final three runs over the week are going to be tiny in comparison with the mileage I've put in.
29th March - I Wanna Be The Only One
Friday 29th Mar I had wanted to run a few times this week, but I truly was not in the right physical or mental frame to do so. Firstly I was very very very drunk on Monday at the Love Hospitality awards (hosted by The Burnt Chef Project - so obviously I went) and then on Tuesday, I could hardly stand up. For some reason I just had an absolutely banging headache throughout the day. I wonder why?!?!
24th March - Don't Stop Believin'
Sunday 24th Mar So knowing I had to get another run in this week, I did something known as a 'Recovery Run.' Beforehand my running expert and running influencer were both messaging me about it and I'm pretty sure they've mentioned these things before, however, its never sunk in.
23rd March - Scandalous
Saturday 23rd Mar So there we have it, my last proper long run during the training period, and I needed that run. I am sore now, well not sore, more just tight, but the demotivational run from the other day has been pushed away by today.
20th March - Superstar
Wednesday 20th Mar To be honest, that was completely demoralising. It shouldn't have been as I am still technically recovering from my long run at the weekend, but nonetheless, I am demoralised.
16th March - S Club Party
Saturday 16th Mar That was long and hard and not in the fun sexy way. I just ran 32km - 20 miles for those that prefer the imperial measurements (which is actually preferable). I managed to drag my ass through and actually completed my longest run yet and on a positive note, I don't have to do another run of that length until the actual day. This if absolute bloody music to my ears. It also allows me time to focus on my running diet. Currently, with what I am eating, I get pissed on three pints (if anyone is offering, then yes I am a cheap date, but as evidenced from this blog ... I go the distance).
14th March - Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Thursday 14th Mar I knew I had to run tonight. I almost didn't but luckily plans fell through and I was able to get out of the door.
12th March - Sorry
Tuesday 12th Mar I was nervous about that run. Actually no, I was anxious about it. Since I started this whole training thing, I have been consistent and getting out a few times week, but last week I only went out once, as I was physically and mentally too tired to drag my ass around Surrey. I was also hungover on two of the days so they definitely weren't going to see me running.
5th March - Day and Night
Tuesday 5th Mar I was really looking forward to this evening's run. Knowing I have just over a month until the big day, but then it happened.
2nd March - Murder on the Dance Floor
Saturday 2nd Mar There comes a time in every man's life (ignore the rest of the quote), and that time was today.
29th February - Want To Want Me
Thursday 29th Feb I have wet feet. In one sense I'm tempted to leave the blog at that, but this evening there is sooooo much more to say.
26th February - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Tuesday 27th Feb Well the girls may wanna have fun. I wouldn't mind having fun either, but the priority at the moment is finding the time to do anything. Socialising takes time, work takes time, running takes time, commuting takes time, sleeping takes time and shopping takes time (thus my cupboard are emptier than Mother Hubbard's - google it if you don't know the reference.)
24th February - Habit
Saturday 24th Feb So I realise how quiet I have been on blogging recently. This is partly because I haven't run that much and also because I have been so tired. But I don't have long left until the actual marathon and its time to start pushing myself again (without over doing it).
16th January - Glad You Came
Friday 16th Feb I officially didn't procrastinate before running today, which in one sense is highly impressive, however, I was ridiculously hungover so just physically could not move. I have decided that lying still until the world stops spinning when you close your eyes is definitely not procrastinating.
15th February - I'm Outta Love
Thursday 15th Feb There are two main problems with going for a run before work. Firstly, its running and secondly its before work.
13th February - Black Magic
Tuesday 13th Feb Week 6 of marathon training was basically a write off. I only did about 15km, but physically and mentally I just felt that I couldn't run and every once in a while you need to take a break, listen to your mind and body and rest.
9th February - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Friday 9th Feb I went for a run and officially (according to me) it is Spring. Seeing the daffodils coming up and only running through a light drizzle was delightful.
6th February - We Can't Stop
Tuesday 6th Feb I had totally prepared myself to not run today. Convinced myself that I could fit in my runs throughout the rest of the week as its a week full of short runs. Then sat down comfortably after work I get an email from Burnt Chef Project asking how the training is going. Well I couldn't exactly email back saying, 'it'll start going great again when I can actually be bothered!'
3rd February - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
Saturday 3rd Feb Dorney Lake, the home to British Olympic rowing. Set in the grounds of 'the ever-so accessible' Eton College, where fellow Cornish person Helen Glover won a gold in the 2012 Olympics. Renowned for the athletic prowess was once again the site of another athletic achievement, one that is almost unbelievable. One that will go down in the personal history books.
1st February - We Like To Party
Thursday 1st Feb I went for a run. Not a long one, but I managed to get out the door and actually do it.
30th January - Lady Marmalade
Tuesday 30th Jan Kicking off Week 5 of marathon training with a 6km run. Listening to Lady Marmalade which saw me strutting my stuff on the street. Though it was more like strutting my stuff on the uneven pavement, golf course and footpath and when I say strutting my stuff it was closer to plodding my ass along.
28th January - Keep on Movin'
Sunday 28th Jan A rather apt song for the run today. It was meant to be a gentle jog finishing off Week 4 of training and ensuring I keep to my four runs per week. But for some reason it was possibly the hardest 5km I have ever run. That includes trying to achieve that distance for the first time and its crazy that I struggled with something that should be so easy these days.
25th January - She's So Lovely
Thursday 25th Jan To be honest with you, whilst I am writing this I am slightly pissed. Its not my fault at all, but rather a need to rehydrate. We all know that apples are good for you, but then rehydrating with apple juice - alcoholic apple juice - was just what was needed. (OK it was cider but let's go with my view of health and realise this was healthy and needed during marathon training.)
24th January - I want You Back
Wednesday 24th Jan That run was definitely not an Eeyore run. It also wasn't a Tigger run. It was an epic Harry Potter just killed Voldemort slaying run. I fucking loved it.
23rd January - All Rise
Tuesday 23rd Jan This morning's pre-work run was a bit of an odd one, but it officially kicked off Week 4 of training! It was meant to have started yesterday but I had run out of chocolate and diet coke, and as we all know these two things are vital pre-running nourishment, so I put it off until today.
20th January - Mambo No.5
Saturday 20th Jan Last night I had a message from my friend - who doubles up as my running expert and triples up as the person who will be in the pub before me after the marathon - informing me that 'Runner Procrastination,' is a real thing. Apparently, unless you are a seasoned professional all runners procrastinate before a run and most even factor this time into their running. This was a massive relief with how well my time wasting is going.
January 19th - Breathe
Friday 19th Jan Another day and another delayed run - I'm starting to make Heathrow airport look good with these delays. Although I had yesterday off and aimed to go for a 13-15km run, eating lunch and lazing around took a priority, meaning I had to somehow get my lazy ass out of bed this morning and embrace the winter weather.
17th January - Lady Marmalade
Wednesday 17th Jan Years ago I had to write an essay on the use and structure of people in business. This was for an HR course I was on and having come from a creative background, I thought I would keep the creativity in place and completed the essay with a full analogy of the characters in Winnie The Pooh.
15th January - What Makes You Beautiful
Monday 15th Jan What a great way to start Week 3 of marathon training? A great 6km run. Yes it was cold, but by the end my fingers weren't feeling it anymore, whether they were completely numb removing any sense, or whether the blood was pumping to keep them warm, or whether the weather had improved - I have no idea. Though the ground was still covered in frost by the time I was finished.
13th January - Wannabe
Sunday 14th Jan So Week 2 of training is officially over, and it was the usual short run, but it felt different.
11th January - Rock DJ
Thursday 11th Jan As per usual, today's run did not go as planned. It was harder than usual to get out of the door and took about two hours of just sitting there trying to psych myself up. It's been a year since I left Cornwall and waking up to reflect on this and how I feel I have gone backwards rather than progressed was really playing on my mind.
9th January - Can't stop the moonlight
Tuesday 9th Jan I would like to dedicate this evening's run to the man or woman who invented running gloves. The special kind that protect your soft dainty hands from the horrid weather whilst still being able to use your phone. They are amazing and I think the whole run would have turned out very differently if my hands were subjected to the absolute zero temperature I was running in. Ok, maybe it wasn't absolute zero, but it was bloody cold.
8th January - Love at first sight
Monday 8th Jan Whoever came up with the notion of running before work either had one or all of the following:
5th January - S Club Party
Friday 5th Jan You know that feeling when you have achieved something (almost immense) but don't feel you can celebrate it because of other factors? That's how I feel about today's run.
4th January - Bootylicious
Thursday 4th Jan Today's run was one of learning and achievements.
2nd January - Simply The Best
Tuesday 2nd Jan Writing this now I have been up for just over 15 hours of the day and it has been a long hard slog to get through it. An extra three hours at work, amber weather warnings (with what feels like a hurricane outside) and general January blues has made it drag. The only bit of joy I got was going for a run.
New Year's Day
Monday 1st Jan I genuinely cannot remember the last time I woke up on NYD without a thumping headache - or even waking up sober from the night before. Generally, if I was working, I would turn up in such a state, I would end up either throwing up or crying or trying to leave early or all of the above.
29th December - Since you've been gone
Friday 29th Dec Once upon a time, many many years ago there lived a man called Philippides. Philippides was a messenger who during one big battle saw some ships change direction and needed to spread the news, so he ran and he ran and he ran a bit more. He took of his clothes to make him lighter and kept running and running and running until he eventually reached a magical land called Athens and declared 'We have won.' After this he promptly collapsed and died. The End.
28th December - One Day More
Thursday 28th Dec So ... going for a run today was really rather difficult. Still stiff from two days ago, tired and enjoying the warmth of my bad far too much, I ended up going two and a half hours later than planned, without having a proper breakfast to support the exercise I was about to do. (Though two very delicious chocolates is still a breakfast.)
Boxing Day
Tuesday 26th Dec
Thank you to my Sponsors

Chef Brwa Ahmad

Oxford And Cambridge Club
From all the members and staff at the Oxford and Cambridge Club sending best wishes and good luck for your marathon.

Alistair Telfer
Good luck for your marathon, we will be cheering you on in spirit!

Manuel Cerrone
We are very proud of your work for this very important charity. We send our very best wishes for a good marathon for you.

Karina Turi
You inspire me everyday! Mental health support is so important! You got this! And I don't think it's wrong to run to the pub for a pint, I bet the run home was fun 😂 keep up the good work.

Val Benney
Go Ian! Wishing you a successful run x

Vicky Vellidou
Good luck on your marathon this Sunday 😁 . Great work in supporting this vital cause!

The Hahntinis
Good luck E! Glad you’re enjoying it, fingers crossed for a PB xxx

Go Ian Go

Had to one up meow

Tom Cunningham
Well done mate!!! My hero 🦸

Lucy Crowther
Incredible Ian, such a huge accomplishment. Well Done. You should be very proud.

Stephen Lay
Damn. You beat my London ‘22 time. Sponsorship doubled as a result!

Caroline Mantle
You’ve smashed the training, and I know you’ll smash the marathon. It’s a great cause! Do it for both of us x

David And Mimi
Champion x

Jill Meyerhoff
Hi Ian good man enjoy and keep up with your fabulous footwork .. have fun Cheers Jill🌈💃

John Monday
Cheering for you all the way Mr Lay 💪 Taking on the challenge is something to be proud of and I know you’ll take it even further to cross that finish line. Well done Ian 👏❤️

Tom & Maddy
Well done, Ian

Chey Greer
Well done xxx

Tracy Horlock
Hey Ian, still can’t believe you doing this but so proud of you keep it up xxx

Julie Mc
Well done with the training Ian and best of luck for next week. Your Mum would be so proud xx

Kerry Cole

John And Jo
Great effort Ian! Enjoyed your blog x

Good luck x

Colin Mackie
Go for it mate

Is No1
Good luck

You’ve got this sausage!

Julia From The Anchor
Better late than never. Sad I can’t be there to cheer you on but I’m so proud of you!!! Xx

Jake & Sarah

Helen Hocking
Soooo impressed Ian Good luck

Elizabeth Rowe
You have trained hard, now enjoy.

Jackie Mcquarrie

Well done mate, I’m proud of you.

Kerrie Brewer
Well done Ian! What a fab achievement!

Robert Thackery
From the gents on Table 31

Katie Hopkins
smashed it Ian

congratulations! You are amazing and inspiring!

Alexander Fookes

Mr Ian Lay

Mr Ian Lay

Joe Upton
love you ian keep going x been watching the whole time!

Verity Hastings

Francesca Vincent
Good luck for the marathon! You’ll do great ☺️ (hopefully) - Sorry I couldn’t donate more but broke uni student