Alfie Wilson

The Burnt Chef Project Tough Mudder Event 12th August 2023

I'm fundraising for the future of hospitality.

I'm raising money for The Burnt Chef Project, an organisation set up to tackle mental health stigma in the hospitality industry. It's something very close to my heart and I would love your support! 

I’ve been in hospitality since before I was old enough to work. Growing up with a chef as a mother I saw the dedication and passion needed for this industry but I also saw the affects of burnout. After 5 years in the kitchen I too have experienced my own challenges. I’m fundraising to spread awareness and to help other hospitality professionals 

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Be proactive, not reactive!

Tuesday 28th Mar
In hospitality, we’re always looking for a fix or a way to deal with burnout and depression. 
By the time most of us realise we need help or need a change, it’s already too late. The best way to keep on top of your mental hygiene or your staffs mental well-being, is to be proactive and look for preventative measures. 
As a community, we need to talk to each other more, check-in with one another and establish healthy lines of communication. 
Ensuring people know their support will reduce the stress and panic that comes with ‘feeling alone’. We work such unsociable hours that physical touch and socialising can be really tough. I’m currently in a kitchen where my head chef gives me hugs throughout the day because he knows I appreciate that kind of support, now I know this may not be for everyone and definitely do not hug people without consent, but understanding what your team needs and how they liked to be supported will drastically help their mental state, will improve productivity, moral and overall staff retention. 
So the next time you’re thinking about how to better support yourself or your staff, ask them how they are. Check the staff room, does it need a fresh lick of paint? Is your staff food budget enough to have a balanced, varied diet? Are the staff toilets regularly cleaned? 
All these things will help to create a healthy, positive environment conducive of a happier mentality for all. 

Thank you to my Sponsors



Well done Alfie a great cause


Daisy Brown

I whole heartedly support Alfie in his campaign to shine a light, the hospitality industry is a hot bed of mental health issues not only for chefs working gruelling house without natural light and access to fresh air but also front of house dealing with sometime very rude and hostile customers on very low wage, well done Alfie I hope you smash your target ♥️


Mark Wilson

Great cause Alfie, glad to be able to contribute. Love Mark xx




Ceri Gott

Nice one Alfie.


Giles Wilson

A great cause Alfie.


Melanie Turner

Take Care Alfie, Well done for standing for a cause you believe in. I am always impressed by your determination and focus


Sharon Whiteley

It’s amazing what you are doing Alfie. Well done.


Nadia P



Go on Alfie, good luck!


Katalin Toth


Adam L

Thanks Alfie! Such an important cause... go well!



This is something I’ve never really thought about. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I can only imagine the life of a chef must be extremely stressful and it’s important that we’re all aware of that. Well done xx


Bex At Hawksmoor Edi

Nice one Alfie!